Little League International Zero Tolerance Policy

​​​​​​​Little League Alberta District 3 abides by the Little League International Child Protection Policy.

Little League has zero tolerance for any type of abuse against a minor, including, but not limited to, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental, and emotional abuse (as well as any type of bullying, hazing, or harassment).

Any individual with an offense involving or against a minor (refer to Volunteer Application), will not be permitted to participate in any Little League programs or activities.

Local Little League programs who fail to enforce this zero-tolerance policy will face potential revocation or termination of their little league charter.

Little League Alberta - District 3 Disciplinary Action Policy Procedures Guidelines

The District 3 Disciplinary Action Policy & Procedure Guidelines apply to PLAYERS, COACHES, PARENTS, SPECTATORS & LITTLE LEAGUE OFFICIALS. The investigation into incidents should be completed within 72 hours by League UIC & League President. All incidents must be reported to District 3 UIC & District 3 Administrator via email within 24 hours of any incident.

The District 3 Hearing Committee shall be convened on receipt of an appeal by any party that has been suspended by a District 3 Divisional Commissioner. The appeal must be received in writing by the District 3 Administrator, District Umpire in Chief or District Secretary within 48 hours of District Divisional Commissioner's ruling.

The District 3 Hearing Committee shall consist of the following members, or in their absence, a designated representative. All disciplinary action shall be decided by a majority vote of this Committee:

  • District Administrator
  • District Umpire in Chief/Tournament Umpire in Chief
  • District or League Division Director/Tournament Director
  • 2 League Presidents independent of the League(s) involved in the Hearing (League Presidents will be assigned to the Committee on a rotational basis when possible)

The District 3 or League Hearing Committee must be held within 5 days of the Appeal. A more immediate time frame will be used to address incidents that occur during Tournaments.

The following parties shall be entitled to attend the Disciplinary Hearing to answer questions from the Hearing Committee and provide additional information for the Committee's consideration when deciding the action to be taken:

  • District Administrator
  • District Umpire in Chief/Tournament Umpire in Chief
  • District or League Division Director/Tournament Director
  • League President or Designated league Representative
  • All parties involved in the incident under review
  • In the event a player is under review - one parent should attend with the player

The Disciplinary Hearing shall be conducted in the following manner. Each party shall be notified of their scheduled hearing time. Each party shall meet with the Hearing Committee separately. Each party is to remain outside of the Hearing room until all parties have been interviewed. This will enable the Committee to verify any additional/conflicting information received during the interviews:

  • Each party directly involved shall have (5) five minutes to present their views of the incident and answer questions from the Hearing Committee
  • The League President shall have (5) five minutes to express their views following their member's presentation

The District 3 Hearing Committee shall be final. Appeals will not be accepted. Each party has the opportunity to present their views and pertinent information at the Hearing. ln the event that any party .is unable to attend the scheduled Hearing, they have the right to be represented by a designated speaker on their behalf or submit their views in writing for the Committee's consideration.

The District 3 Hearing Committee decision may not be waived or disciplinary action reduced by any party. In the event that additional information becomes available after the Committee has met, the Hearing Committee may reopen with a majority vote of the Committee members present at the original Hearing.

Alberta District 3 - Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy

The District 3 Disciplinary Action Policy & Procedure Guidelines and Zero Tolerance Abuse Policy apply to PLAYERS, COACHES, PARENTS, SPECTATORS & LITTLE LEAGUE OFFICIALS:

ASSAULTIntentional physical force or contact (or threat of physical force or contact). Including but not limited to bumping, shoving, striking, poking, spitting or other threatening behaviourMinimum (1) one calendar year suspension. Maximum lifetime suspension.
ABUSEIncluding but not limited to Throwing Equipment, Name Calling, Discriminatory Slurs, Obscene GesturesMinimum (3) three consecutive games. Maximum (1) one calendar year suspension. If ejected from a game, this will count as the first game of the suspension.
EJECTIONBased on the Umpires Discretion. Not covered in aboveSuspended (2) two games. (Game ejected plus (1) one additional game.)

Repeat offenders may receive suspensions that exceed the penalties listed above. The purpose of this policy is to address the conduct of every Little League participant fairly and consistently. The decision of the District Divisional Commissioner shall be final. The District 3 Disciplinary Hearing Committee will consider the Appeals of decisions outlined in the District 3 Disciplinary Action Policy Procedures Guideline.